
St. Gallen Consulting

For over 30 years have we been supporting and assisting:
Corporations, SMEs and organizations.
On their path to success.


Gilbert Malgiaritta

lic. oec. HSG (University of St. Gallen)

Gilbert Malgiaritta holds a degree in Business Administration from the University of St. Gallen (lic. oec. HSG) with specialization in Finance, Accounting and Controlling.

As a specialist in financial management and controlling, he is characterized by his vast experience as a consultant, lecturer and coach. His range of consulting services covers the rich variety of finance and accounting for SMEs as well as large corporations. His work focuses, among others, on the following areas:

  • Management Tools of Financial Management and Controlling (Control Reports)
  • Financial and Indicators Analysis
  • Liquidity Planning, Planning and Budgeting, Business Plan
  • Investment and Profitability Calculations
  • Cost Accounting Systems
  • Strategic Controlling

For years, he has been training managers at all levels in the areas of financial management, controlling, profit management and strategic controlling, earning the highest customer satisfaction.